Work to Date

Over the past year (20/21) the following contracts are being delivered

Gecco East

GECCo (North East) - delivering on a DWP contract in the East of City including partners Connect Community Trust, Cranhill CDT, FARE, FUSE and YOMO

GECCo City

GECCo (City) - delivering on a ESF Employability contract from Glasgow City Council including partners Govanhill CDT, SWAMP, Community Central Halls and Connect Community Trust.

The work and opportunities is continually evolving! 

Each of the members has to date met regularly to discuss future opportunities and direction.   A trust has been built between the organisations that put them in good stead going forward and bidding for contracts and developing joint initiatives.   


Getting Prepared

A number of tenders and opportunities have been looked at over the years and although we submitted a couple we fell down on a couple of areas and it was mostly regarding shared policies and/or not having enough lead in time to prepare all that was needed for joint submissions.  Having highlighted this, through support from DTA Scotland and funding from Scottish Government we were able to gain the support from a consultant who would take us through a tender to ensure that we would be prepared for the next opportunity that came up.

GECCo members and other Development Trusts (provisional and full members incl. Community Central Halls, Govanhill Community Development Trust, Rosemount Lifelong Learning, Cranhill Development Trust, FUSE, SWAMP, Connect CT) in Glasgow came together with the consultant over a 6 month period.   Working on shared policies, uploading a profile to PCs, talking through opportunities and discussing lead partners and how to meet tight deadlines. 

...and we’re ready!